Mixed uncoded and FEC telemetry reception (December 2003)

Phil Karn has changed his code and split dpsk_demod into two parts, dpsk_demod and fec_decode, and provided in addition p3_convert for converting the 256 byte blocks from fec_decode into the usual 512 byte blocks. The following refers to ao40prototype-5.01 (July 2003).

In order to use fec_decode and p3_decode with the same data stream, two pipes have been installed (as hidden files: .telem.1 and .telem.2). And for merging the decoded blocks in proper sequence, "fflush(stdout)" instructions have been added in p3_convert and p3_decode after fwrite(...,stdout). Otherwise the output comes in 4096 byte junks (8 telemetry blocks).

Four processes are started. The first one reads from the sound card and starts dpsk_demod, feeding the two pipes. The next two processes invoke the two decoders.The fourth process deletes with a filter (tlmuniq) duplicate A blocks, in cases were the same block is received in uncoded and FEcoded form, and feeds a display program (phase3d) in parallel to the output file.

rec -c 1 -r 9600 -s w -f s -t raw - | dpsk_demod --verbose | tee .telem.1 .telem.2 > /dev/null

cat .telem.1 | p3_decode --verbose >> Tyymmdd.raw

cat .telem.2 | fec_decode --verbose | p3_convert >> Tyymmdd.raw

tail -c 512 -f Tyymmdd.raw | tlmuniq | tee -a Tyymmdd.tlm | phase3d

Programming set up for FEC telemetry reception test (June 2003)

Test setup: 1.2m dish, G3RUH patch, preamp MKU232,IC-970/UX-98 Hardware modems: DSP-12, G3RUH digital (outputs merged) Sound card with KA9Q's dpsk_demod (ao40prototype-1.2.1)

Reading from devices (DSP-12, G3RUH demod, audio card):

phase3 /dev/ttyC0 2>logDSP12.1194 | etmfilter 0x80 0x00 >> k030607.raw

phase3 /dev/ttyC4 2>logG3RUH.1194 | etmfilter 0x80 0x00 >> k030607.raw

rec -c 1 -r 9600 -s w -f s -t raw - | dpsk_demod --verbose >> demodout.1194 2> logFEC.1194

Process raw data and display data:

tail -c 512 -f k030607.raw | tlmuniq | tee -a k030607.tlm | phase3d

tail -c 256 -f demodout.1194 | fecfilter blockAhead | tee -a f030607.a | phase3d

Display logs:

tail -f logDSP12.1194

tail -f logG3RUH.1194

tail -f logFEC.1194


cat k030607.tlm | tlmfilter 0xff 0x41 >> k030607.a
Not necessary, since A blocks only have been transmitted.

Output files for inspection:

You find in files.zip the log files logDSP12.1194, logG3RUH.1194, and logFEC.1194, the dpsk_demod output (256 byte blocks) as demodout.1194, the output converted to normal A-block format (512 byte blocks) in k030607.fec, the A blocks merged from DSP-12 and G3RUH demod (for MA 113 to 243) in k030607.tlm. Finally a summary.1194 file is provided, which shows a prediction listing by MA with squint angle, number of CRC=OK blocks received by the two hardware demods, the number of FEC encoded blocks received by Phil Karn's dpsk_demod, and some error information, extracted -- not quite correctly -- from the logFEC.1194.

k030607.tlm and k030607.fec can be viewed for example like ao40tlmview -f f030607.tlm.

Summary of the test on 2003-06-07

To understand the following comments you should get the summary.1194 file in front of you.

Phil's demod program assumes currently a continuous stream of FEC encoded blocks, while the test transmission from AO-40 mixes normal blocks (512 bytes plain binary code with 2 bytes CRC) with the FEC encoded blocks. To get a feeling for the problems with synchronisation, we might look at the undisturbed transmission from MA 136 (squint 28 deg) to MA 183 (squint 39 deg). A total of (183-136+1)*5 = 240 blocks have been transmitted, and all uncoded blocks have been received with CRC=OK. The demod was able to synchronize properly for 52 FEC-blocks (650 bytes). This ratio of 52/240 = 21.7 % has been observed already at a transmission on orbit 1187 (June 01). When we look now at a period of disturbed to marginal transmission, MA 184 (squint 40 deg) to MA 230 (squint 63 deg), AO-40 has transmitted (230-184+1)*5 = 235 blocks, of which only 113 plain blocks have been received with CRC=OK. The efficiency for plain blocks is 113/235 = 48 %. In the same period 45 FEC blocks have been properly received, yielding 45/235 = 19.1 %. If we extrapolate the problems with the synchronisation from the previous period, we get 19.1/21.7 = 88 % efficiency for the FEC. This first experiment shows for disturbed transmission nearly a doubling of efficiency by the FEC transmission.

When inspecting the log of dpsk_demod (logFEC.1194) you should search for "LOCK" to see the successfully decoded frames, including information on possible error corrections.

136-18328-39240240 5210021.7
184-20440-4610562 205919.0
205-20947-48253 61224.0
210-21149105 35030.0
212-21950-54404 61015.0
220-23055-635539 107118.2
231-23764-723535 910025.7
238-24373-853018 66020.0
244-24688-96150 3020.0

The MA ranges of the table have been selected according to the yield of CRCok blocks within one MA interval: 0-1, 2-4, and 5.

Summary of the test on 2003-06-11

f1199.zip contains logFEC.1199, demodout.1199, summary.1199, and f030611.a.

Orbit 1199 Jun 11, 2003

119-19021-38360360 8010022.2
191-20939-459550 185318.9
210-21146100 3030.0
212-21647-492511 54420.0
217-22250-53304 51316.7
223-22454105 25020.0
225-22955-592523 59220.0
230-23160-61105 25020.0
232-23862-713535 710020.0
239-24272-79208 34015.0
243-24788-99250 4016.0

Updated: 2003-12-30

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