Viktor and Klaus Kudielka's Shack
You might be interested in a view of our mast.
Here is a (certainly incomplete) list of our most favourite toys:
- Receivers: HF-225, ICF-SW7600G
- Transceivers: IC-275, IC-471, IC-821(IFDB), IC-1271, IC-970(UX97,UX98)
- Converters: SSB UEK-2000SAT (13cm/2m)
- Amplifier: 2C39B watercooled (23cm)
- Mast: Azimuth and elevation rotors,
2x10 element X-Yagi (2m), 2x12 element X-Yagi (70cm)
- Tower: Azimuth and elevation rotors,
(3+1 element HF beam), 2x11 element X-Yagi (2m),
2x20 element X-Yagi (70cm), two 55 element H-Yagis (23cm)
- EPR-203 mount: 1.2m dish, helix feed, MKU232A2 preamp
- Other antennas: two 23 element V-Yagis (23cm)
- Computers: Two IBM compatible PCs running Linux 2.4
(Pentium MMX/200, AMD K6-2/500)
- Local Area Network: 100 Mbit/s Ethernet
- Modems and Packet Radio: KPC-9612, DSP-12, Ottawa PI2, G3RUH 9k6,
G3RUH 38k4, WA4DSY 56k modem (including 23cm transverter),
S53MV 1.23M modem
Updated: 2002-06-18
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